Isaiah 12-17 God has not forgotten. God is just. God is love. God is merciful. These are the things that come to mind as I read the passage for the day. Many times there is no need for a deep revelation. God sends us his word to remind us of his character. We may never meet or know of an Assyrian, or Persian. The use of Babylon may be literal or metaphorical. What is certain and real, and unchanging is God's sovereignty and his character. God has not forgotten. The heaven is the Lord's throne and the earth is his footstool. He sits high and looks low and is cogniscent of everything that has and ever will happen. This includes our lives. God says vengeance is His, and if God be for us who can be against us. Just as God may use the enemy, as he did for Israel, to get your attention, the enemy still has to face their end. God is just. He is a righteous judge and makes the right decision every time because he knows all things. Some results may not make sense to us, but our knowledg...
"The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so you may obey it." Deut 30:14