Peace & love everybody!
I've been so excited it's been hard to contain myself regarding today's mission! I hope that after reading this post, you'll be as encouraged as I am now!
Known by most today as "the last Stalinist country" and according to VOM, "one of the most repressive and isolated regimes in the world", North Korea needs our prayers, monetary support, and volunteers. It's even being reported that a holocaust is occurring there as I'm writing this! Christians are being tortured, killed, and having "experiments" run on them all because they testify that Jesus is their Lord. Read a short synopsis of what has to say about North Korea and check out their related links.
Thanks to our family over at The Voice of the Martyrs, we will be able to encourage and support our North Korean brothers and sisters! With our donations of $50 we will be able to sponsor a package that will have hard-to-get essentials, including Bibles, Christian books, and a backpack. Visit VOM weblog to find out how you can give today! If you've heard or read about the Holocaust of the Jews and felt that if you were in that time you would want to do something, now's your chance! Do something about this holocaust of North Koreans! For those who can't sponsor a package, please continue to lift them up in prayer -the North Koreans and the VOM contacts. We pray that God wills everyone's safety and that those receiving our sponsored packages are edified.
Live blessed!
No matter where we are or the color of skin,he is the same God,Praise God!
@ApostolicsRUs: Praise the name of the Lord! You're absolutely right! That's the purpose for Chantel and my blog! To proclaim His one message, His one faith. He is all of our God and Father and He loves us! It's our reasonable service to love Him back with our lives! Thanks so much for seeing our vision! Now go and share with your friends!
Please follow me(us) would love to have you and hear from you sister.