It's true you have fallen,
You slipped and you fell,
You made the wrong choices,
Fell under sin's spell.
Yet you need not lay there,
Your face in the dust,
Your life is not over
When in Him you trust.
From your view it's ended,
From His it's begun,
If you've learned you need Him
Sin's pleasure to shun.
It does not come cheaply,
Forgiveness and grace,
It's bought by Christ Jesus
Who stood in your place.
It's your debt He carried,
It's your shame He bore,
Each time that you fall down
You're hurting Him more.
It's time for commitment,
Stop pleasing yourself,
Put your plans, desires,
On His divine shelf.
Fulfillment, contentment,
Will be your reward,
His love and compassion
On you will be poured.
So get up, go forward,
Forgetting the past,
A new life is waiting,
His mercy is vast.
You slipped and you fell,
You made the wrong choices,
Fell under sin's spell.
Yet you need not lay there,
Your face in the dust,
Your life is not over
When in Him you trust.
From your view it's ended,
From His it's begun,
If you've learned you need Him
Sin's pleasure to shun.
It does not come cheaply,
Forgiveness and grace,
It's bought by Christ Jesus
Who stood in your place.
It's your debt He carried,
It's your shame He bore,
Each time that you fall down
You're hurting Him more.
It's time for commitment,
Stop pleasing yourself,
Put your plans, desires,
On His divine shelf.
Fulfillment, contentment,
Will be your reward,
His love and compassion
On you will be poured.
So get up, go forward,
Forgetting the past,
A new life is waiting,
His mercy is vast.
This poem was written by Carol Penhorwood for the Christian Poet's Pen. I hope you enjoyed this as much I did when I first read it! It's rich with passion and oozing with God's love and amazing grace!
When you get the chance, hop on over there to read more poems by Carol and other talented Christian poets.