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Come to Me: Answering the Call to salvation

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Jesus is calling. He invites you to start all over.He wants to change the way you think, and revive you with fresh perspective!

 As Christians, our salvation is an ongoing process. It is a process in which our salvation is worked out constantly as we die daily. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:31 that he died daily. "Dying daily" means to make a conscious effort with help from the Holy Spirit to discontinue patterns and characteristics of your old way of life. To live out your proclamation that Jesus is your Lord is to do as Galatians 2:20 says, to live with Christ living in you by your faith in Him. Accepting Jesus as your Saviour is not a feeling but accepting the reality that He lives in you and acting like it!

Up until now, you've been a great distance from God because of your sin, your wrong-doing and wrong thinking. God desires that we lead a life of peace internally and outwardly. Without God, we satisfy the desires of our nature. Examples of these which come naturally to us can be found in Galatians 5:19-21. By faith and with help from the Holy Spirit, we can live a life God's way as described in Galatians 5:22-26.

Let's get started! First, let's say this prayer together:

Father, I believe you made me and have great plans for my life. I'm sorry that I've denied you and your plan for me up until now. I know that I'm a sinner and that my wrongs have kept me from a relationship with you. I'm truly sorry and I desire to turn my back on all of that to run toward a life of peace with You. Please forgive me! Help me to not go back to my familiar ways of thinking and responding! I thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to show me how to live on this earth, to die for my sins, and to be resurrected so that I now can have hope. I want you, Jesus, to transform my heart and to be Lord of my life. I want you to shape me into the vessel that you need me to be! Father, please help me surrender to your Holy Spirit. Let it abide in me that I may have power over sin and obey You. Thank you for loving me! In Jesus' name, Amen.

There! You've taken the first step to respond to God's grace through faith and repentance.

Now, remember,you are being saved by God's grace (Ephesians 2:1-10) and His alone! He loved you before He even made the world! He saw you at this moment, dedicating to live your life for Him and He smiled! It pleases God as we, one by one, by his grace, begin to see ourselves through His eyes.

So, now what?! 
 Acts 22:16  And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.’ 

John 3:5 Unless a man is born of water and of spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God

Water Baptism, the whole body being immersed in water, is the faith response to your decision to follow after Christ, just as Jesus shared with the apostles before he ascended to heaven: "He that believes and is baptized, will be saved (Mark 16:16). Be compelled! When you do it, you won't regret it! It all becomes so real!. Take a look at these scriptures for how God intends baptism to be done: Romans 6:2-7, Galatians 3:26-28, Colossians 2:6-23 , Acts 2:38-41.

If you need help to find a church in your area that will not hesitate with this step, please email us

Spirit Baptism
The gift of the Holy spirit, with the evidence of speaking in another tongue (Language), was prophesied by the prophets in the old testament( Isaiah 28:11-12),poured out in the new testament (acts 2:4) and promised by Jesus himself as he walked this earth (John 7:38-40). It is the power that seals us as his children ( John 1:12, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 1:22) . He spoke of being baptized of water and Spirit.The holy Spirit, is to what he referred!  (Acts 1:5, John 3:5. It is the work of God's Spirit in us that enables us to live a life of godliness, pleasing to God. It is the only way to achieve a true relationship with Jesus Christ.(Romans 8:9). You can read the story of the first new testament outpouring here. True repentance and Faith through obedience is all is required, and you can receive the gift of his Spirit today. If you want to receive the gift of the  Holy Ghost, you can contact us by email at, and someone will reach out to pray with you. 

Don't turn into a recluse! 

Go tell somebody!!
Like everything that we commit to do, it's easier with support. Find people around you who agree with and support this new decision that you've made.

Gathering together with people who think like you, can struggle with you, pray for you, encourage you, and teach you are vital to your relationship with the Lord. We are instructed in the Word of God to gather with other believers regularly. (Hebrews 10:25) In your daily prayers, ask God to show you and/or lead you to those who will be beneficial to your walk with Him.

Hungry for more?
That yearning to know more and more becomes insatiable! You have so many questions that need answering and you have so many emotions that need to be expressed. Seek out information from ministers, teachers, and leaders that you've come to trust. Even Christian friends can help too! Don't let your hunger and thirst after living right ever discourage you to a point of deserting your faith. Invest in great resources such as a study Bible, commentary, and a prayer guide. Find some Christian media to learn and stay plugged in and search The Bible for key verses that affirm who God says that you are.

Get involved!
Another great way to stay encouraged is by helping others. Join a community project, volunteer with your nearest homeless shelter, and get into church ministries where you can discover your gifts and talents. More than knowing, Christianity is in the doing.

Well these should get you off to a good start on your new abundant life! As with any new relationship, it gets better with invested time. Dedicate time to prayer, study, fellowship, and ministry. If you need more information, help finding churches or ministries in your area, or just want us and our readers to keep you in prayer, please don't hesitate to contact us! Reach us at our email

Go with God!

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