The Most powerful force "Above all taking the shield of faith..." Think of that- above all. Faith is the most powerful force, because faith moves God . FAITH moves GOD! Faith also shields believers from the effects of the devil's attacks. So like a baby just learning to stand and walk, God deliberately orchestrates events and circumstances to get us from "pulling up and holding on" faith to "effortless rolling from heel to toe" faith. It's strength training for the spirit. Many times the faith we possess to pray a prayer, is not the faith we need to receive the answer. So God begins a process, equipping and increasing our faith to receive the very thing for which we prayed . What we get in return is more than the desired thing, but "exceeding, abundantly beyond what we ask or think". In other words- increased faith. When we are beyond the "pull up and hold on" level of faith, then our arms are free ...
"The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so you may obey it." Deut 30:14