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Showing posts from June, 2016

The Dirt on Worship

"She cried a deluge of tears- enough to wash the feet of Jesus- and then she wiped them clean and dry with her hair." Those who have been forgiven much, love much* As the preacher relayed this timeless story I was struck in the heart. I marveled at the effect of this woman's intense desire to express her adoration to her savior. It was so much that she was willing to be unkempt and become, what we would call dirty. Can you imagine the combination of tears and dirt she was left with when she arose from his feet. Yet the possibly now matted hair was in direct contrast to the fragrant aroma that surrounded her as she got up. She poured out what she had and gave it to God, and her contact with the Savior caused his anointing to be imparted on her as well. How about the absurdity of a king dancing in the streets? His desire to express his thankfulness and adoration of the most high was unmatched in the kingdom. He danced every so many steps, while his kingly robes beg...

Guardrails and fences Part 2

Abide thou with me, fear not: for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life: but with me thou shalt be in  safe guard.- 1 Samuel 22:23 In the last post we painted the scenario of a child of God leaving the sheepfold, and getting farther away from safety with each justified step.  This scenario is an example of how one never intends to separate from God, yet,  as the song says,  it is a slow fade. When one word from God's scripture  is compromised, it's entire fabric unravels. Like a moth eaten blanket, it is no longer a solid covering when holes are poked in it.  For example in  1 Samuel 13:13-14,  Saul's compromise, cost him the kingdom. Unfortunately he did not learn his lesson in obeying the Word of God COMPLETELY. We find him two chapters later in a situation where incomplete obedience cost him his anointing as well. 1 Samuel 15:13; 1 Samuel 15:20-22; 1 Samuel 16:14 Is wrestling with the word, because of inconvenience or perceived i...