Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safe ty.- Leviticus 25:18 Safety. Protection from harm. Salvation. The action or process of bringing someone or something into safety. I am amazed at how bent out of shape believers and non-believers alike can get on the laws and principles of God. As soon as it creates a ripple in the comfort level, God's law is diluted or reasoned way altogether. It is given the description of legalistic or archaic to justify it's perceived irrelevance. The Word of God is sometimes treated like a candy bowl, in which only the ones we like are unwrapped and savored. The rest get left behind. My heart breaks at the realization that many of the immoral issues we face in this age is due to diluting the validity and relevance of the Word of God. For example, the stop sign is inconvenient until it's your safety on the line. When you do ...
"The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so you may obey it." Deut 30:14