Here is a devotional that is so spot on- it needs to be shared. Enjoy! -Chantel " Justice and Mercy Newspaper headlines frequently express outrage at judges who are ‘soft on crime’. They come under attack for being too lenient and failing to impose the appropriate penalty for the offence committed. When I was practising as a barrister, I noticed that the legal profession did not respect judges who were regarded as too lenient. We expect judges to execute justice. We do not expect them simply to be merciful. On the other hand, we do expect mercy in our personal relationships. A loving parent will be merciful to their child. We expect friends to be merciful to one another. Justice and mercy do not normally go together. We tend to see them as alternatives. We expect either justice or mercy, but not both at the same time. Yet God is both a God who judges with justice , and also a God of mercy . How can he combine these two apparen...
"The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so you may obey it." Deut 30:14