There is a river that runs from Genesis to today. It is a river running red. Adam and Eve experienced the power of it when an animal was slain to cover their shame. And it ran RED. Abel and Cain experienced it when they sacrificed unto Jehovah, and only the one was accepted; for it ran RED. Noah and his family experienced it when it washed away the world of sin, and gave way to a fresh new start. Still it ran RED. The Hebrews experienced it's power of salvation and separation when it shrouded them from the enemy, parted to reveal a way of escape, and overtook the bondage they endured for years. It ran RED. Forty years later they would finally cross the Jordan River, and come to a city on the outskirts of Canaan called Jericho. Again spies were sent out, to survey the land. Was it coincidence that they came to Rahab's house? Was it coincidence that she heard of the exploits of the God of Israel and she believed? What made her tell them of how the stories of their G...
"The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so you may obey it." Deut 30:14