Abide thou with me, fear not: for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life: but with me thou shalt be in safeguard.- 1 Samuel 22:23

In the last post we painted the scenario of a child of God leaving the sheepfold, and getting farther away from safety with each justified step.
This scenario is an example of how one never intends to separate from God, yet, as the song says, it is a slow fade. When one word from God's scripture is compromised, it's entire fabric unravels. Like a moth eaten blanket, it is no longer a solid covering when holes are poked in it.
For example in 1 Samuel 13:13-14, Saul's compromise, cost him the kingdom. Unfortunately he did not learn his lesson in obeying the Word of God COMPLETELY. We find him two chapters later in a situation where incomplete obedience cost him his anointing as well. 1 Samuel 15:13; 1 Samuel 15:20-22; 1 Samuel 16:14
Is wrestling with the word, because of inconvenience or perceived irrelevance worth our safety in Christ? In other words, isn't salvation worth our full obedience and adherence to the Word of God?
The argument for Old vs New testament law is futile when one truly examines the heart. Playing the game of "how much can I omit and still be legit?" shows the intent of the heart to conditional commitment. The heart of the matter is truly a matter of the heart.
When we grimace at a command in the scripture, it may be an indication we may need a heart check in that area. We must evaluate our level of submission to the Holy Spirit.
Look at Timothy for example. It was Paul himself who, with the church leaders commanded that new testament believers need not be circumcised. Acts 15:24-29. Yet during a trip en route to Jerusalem, Paul had Timothy to be circumcised on account of the Jews. Acts 16:1-3. Timothy could have respectfully declined, and rightfully so. He could have argued the very point- " but you said..." Rather, in the spirit of meekness, he submits to the request.
Did Timothy compromise his salvation by submitting to a request which, though not mandatory, did not violate the Word of God? Of course not.
Would he have jeopardized his salvation had he not submitted to that request? Absolutely not!
Would he have compromised his ministry? Possibly. His impact on the Jews in Jerusalem specifically would have been tremendously negatively impacted as so quite possibly his ministry with Paul.
Did he grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes. He learned the value of submission to his teacher and the value of souls in the kingdom.
Ask yourself, is putting my comfort and convenience above the word of God worth the value of a soul?
The point is, one compromise, leads to another. One inch becomes a mile when enough inches are sacrificed.When we began to devalue what God values, justify what God hates, and dilute what God loves, we are no longer following the God of the bible. We follow ourselves who we have made gods.

The immoral issues of our day are born from humanity's "slow fade" from the reverence of the Word of God. It is rooted in the act of professed believers diluting the Word of God in order to avoid offending non-believers. Deuteronomy 12:32; Deuteronomy 4:2. As a result we are left with no offense in Christianity. And by offense I mean, the action of attacking. Matthew 11:12. We are the ones who, more than ever, are left in the defense position. In our ordained position the "gates of hell can not prevail" against the church.
God's principles are in place because his love is unfailing and his mercy is enduring. He loves us so that he desires us to be safe. The laws of God are less a fence, but more a guard rail, protecting us from the abyss that sin leads us to when we concede to it. James 1:14-15.
The word of God, in full and not in part, is the answer for the world today. Believers have to unashamedly proclaim the rightness of the word of God as the WORD of God, and believe that its settled. Matthew 24:35

In the last post we painted the scenario of a child of God leaving the sheepfold, and getting farther away from safety with each justified step.
This scenario is an example of how one never intends to separate from God, yet, as the song says, it is a slow fade. When one word from God's scripture is compromised, it's entire fabric unravels. Like a moth eaten blanket, it is no longer a solid covering when holes are poked in it.
For example in 1 Samuel 13:13-14, Saul's compromise, cost him the kingdom. Unfortunately he did not learn his lesson in obeying the Word of God COMPLETELY. We find him two chapters later in a situation where incomplete obedience cost him his anointing as well. 1 Samuel 15:13; 1 Samuel 15:20-22; 1 Samuel 16:14
Is wrestling with the word, because of inconvenience or perceived irrelevance worth our safety in Christ? In other words, isn't salvation worth our full obedience and adherence to the Word of God?
The argument for Old vs New testament law is futile when one truly examines the heart. Playing the game of "how much can I omit and still be legit?" shows the intent of the heart to conditional commitment. The heart of the matter is truly a matter of the heart.
Any manipulation of the scriptures to make them speak peace to the natural man can only lead to ruin- A.W.Tozer
When we grimace at a command in the scripture, it may be an indication we may need a heart check in that area. We must evaluate our level of submission to the Holy Spirit.
Look at Timothy for example. It was Paul himself who, with the church leaders commanded that new testament believers need not be circumcised. Acts 15:24-29. Yet during a trip en route to Jerusalem, Paul had Timothy to be circumcised on account of the Jews. Acts 16:1-3. Timothy could have respectfully declined, and rightfully so. He could have argued the very point- " but you said..." Rather, in the spirit of meekness, he submits to the request.
Did Timothy compromise his salvation by submitting to a request which, though not mandatory, did not violate the Word of God? Of course not.
Would he have jeopardized his salvation had he not submitted to that request? Absolutely not!
Would he have compromised his ministry? Possibly. His impact on the Jews in Jerusalem specifically would have been tremendously negatively impacted as so quite possibly his ministry with Paul.
Did he grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes. He learned the value of submission to his teacher and the value of souls in the kingdom.
Ask yourself, is putting my comfort and convenience above the word of God worth the value of a soul?
The point is, one compromise, leads to another. One inch becomes a mile when enough inches are sacrificed.When we began to devalue what God values, justify what God hates, and dilute what God loves, we are no longer following the God of the bible. We follow ourselves who we have made gods.

The immoral issues of our day are born from humanity's "slow fade" from the reverence of the Word of God. It is rooted in the act of professed believers diluting the Word of God in order to avoid offending non-believers. Deuteronomy 12:32; Deuteronomy 4:2. As a result we are left with no offense in Christianity. And by offense I mean, the action of attacking. Matthew 11:12. We are the ones who, more than ever, are left in the defense position. In our ordained position the "gates of hell can not prevail" against the church.
God's principles are in place because his love is unfailing and his mercy is enduring. He loves us so that he desires us to be safe. The laws of God are less a fence, but more a guard rail, protecting us from the abyss that sin leads us to when we concede to it. James 1:14-15.
The word of God, in full and not in part, is the answer for the world today. Believers have to unashamedly proclaim the rightness of the word of God as the WORD of God, and believe that its settled. Matthew 24:35