1 John 4:18
Perfect love casts out fear. If I love completely then I will not be afraid. Jesus was not afraid of those who led him to the whips and the cross, because he loved them with a perfect love . The truest form of love is submission -disregarding your own self for the sake of the other. Jesus did this when he washed the disciples feet, when he had compassion on the crowd though he was tired... &when he died on the cross. Greater love has no man than this - laying down his life for his friends. Jesus took on the form of servant. I must even more so, take on a servant's mind and heart. This is the most complete form of love. When I mature in the spiritual fruit of love, I will be completely free of fear. |
Peace & love everybody! I've been so excited it's been hard to contain myself regarding today's mission! I hope that after reading this post, you'll be as encouraged as I am now! Known by most today as "the last Stalinist country" and according to VOM, "one of the most repressive and isolated regimes in the world", North Korea needs our prayers, monetary support, and volunteers. It's even being reported that a holocaust is occurring there as I'm writing this! Christians are being tortured, killed, and having "experiments" run on them all because they testify that Jesus is their Lord. Read a short synopsis of what Persecution.com has to say about North Korea and check out their related links. Thanks to our family over at The Voice of the Martyrs, we will be able to encourage and support our North Korean brothers and sisters! With our donations of $50 we will be able to sponsor a package that will have hard-to-get essentials, ...