Click. Push. Turn. Pull. Flick. Clap ( twice). We turn on and turn off lights countless times during the day. Or we open and close shades and curtains and blinds.
Why? We need to see. Otherwise we'd stub a toe, bump a forehead in the bathroom door, or bump a hip in to the dinig table. Maybe. Or maybe we know our way around in the dark, only to find that the little one ( or the big one) left their skateboard in the middle of the walk way. Then there is the proverbial stuffed toy left on the third stair....
All in all, we need to see. Usually, we need light to see. It is amazing how the smallest bit of light can bite through the utter darkness. It would seem that the darker it is, makes the effectiveness of the tiniest light, increase.
The point I am making is this- the word of God, being our lamp and our light, is not something to choose one day and not the next. It is essential for our every day and every hour of the day. It is essential to light our waking moments, and essential to light our dreams in the night.
I hope we are all continually reading the Word of God daily. I have decreased my posts to, at the least, once a month or so to alleviate the pressure of writing every day. The bible reading calendar below is a tool guide, but it is not the "Daily Bible reading" Bible. In other words. Don't beat yourself up, as I tend to, when you fall behind. I get stuck in Isaiah, at this phase, as it is too dense for me to read in one sitting. I have to read the Isaiah passages over a few days. That leaves me a few days behind- I am still playing catch-up . My intention is, not to just read for the sake of reading. I want to " hide God's word in my heart", to get to know Him and His character. That is how we become more like our Father, by learning of him through his Word. Some of us are familiar with the timeless bible stories we learned in Sunday school, some of us are new to all of it. Pace your self, savor the word, don't just chomp it down, and let the Word of God light your path continually. Nothing worse than a candle lit to light the darkness then it flickers out when you need it most.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God"
All in all, we need to see. Usually, we need light to see. It is amazing how the smallest bit of light can bite through the utter darkness. It would seem that the darker it is, makes the effectiveness of the tiniest light, increase.
The point I am making is this- the word of God, being our lamp and our light, is not something to choose one day and not the next. It is essential for our every day and every hour of the day. It is essential to light our waking moments, and essential to light our dreams in the night.
I hope we are all continually reading the Word of God daily. I have decreased my posts to, at the least, once a month or so to alleviate the pressure of writing every day. The bible reading calendar below is a tool guide, but it is not the "Daily Bible reading" Bible. In other words. Don't beat yourself up, as I tend to, when you fall behind. I get stuck in Isaiah, at this phase, as it is too dense for me to read in one sitting. I have to read the Isaiah passages over a few days. That leaves me a few days behind- I am still playing catch-up . My intention is, not to just read for the sake of reading. I want to " hide God's word in my heart", to get to know Him and His character. That is how we become more like our Father, by learning of him through his Word. Some of us are familiar with the timeless bible stories we learned in Sunday school, some of us are new to all of it. Pace your self, savor the word, don't just chomp it down, and let the Word of God light your path continually. Nothing worse than a candle lit to light the darkness then it flickers out when you need it most.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God"